Thursday, September 17, 2009

Happy B-day to Cole

It is hard to believe that 9 years ago yesterday we were welcoming our first baby to our lives. I remember feeling so overwhelmed when we got home from the hospital with Cole thinking what in the world am I going to do with this little baby. We managed to figure it out and thank heavens Cole was a good baby (at least for me.) We are so glad we have Cole in our family. It is funny how his personality is such a mix of Aaron and I. His emotional side for sure comes from me and his desire to always want to learn something new comes from Aaron. We hope that one day his desire for learning will pay off for him. Cole is very smart, loving, tender hearted, and fun. He is so good about helping with Cal and Allie. He loves to be in charge and is always making sure everyone is doing what they are suposed to be doing. There is no gray in Coles life just black and white!!! Cole is a great kid and he is such a good example to his brothers and sister. Happy Birthaday Coleybear!!! We love you!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Happy B-day to Cade

Yes, just yesterday my little Cade turned 7. He is not so little anymore. It is hard to believe it has already been 7 years. It blows me away that he is already in 1st grade. Cade has been a bundle of fun since he was born. He loves to play jokes and tricks on everyone (he gets that from his grandpa kriss.) Cade really makes us laugh so hard all of the time. It is so funny that one min he can be so so mad and hate everyone single person and thing that ever existed and then later that same day he can be the most loving little boy you have ever seen. It is hard not to have a total soft spot for Cade because when he gets sad he has the biggest tears you have ever seen. You just feel so bad for the poor kid even if he is the one causing the trouble. He also has so many friends. Cade is the kind of kid that will be nice and play with anybody and we love that about him. He is going to be a heartbreaker/trouble maker in a few years. Aaron and I are really going to have to keep a close eye on Cade. We love you Cade and are so happy that you are in our family. Happy birthday Caderbug!!!


I have been wanting to post about Allie but things have been so crazy. So while I have a few min I thought I would do a post. It has been beyond fun to have Allie in our family. She has brought so much joy to us. You forget how tender it is to have a newborn to hold and cuddle. I think besides Allie being our only girl it seems like we are taking it in more because we know for sure that she is our last. So you are always thinking to yourself this is the last time that (fill in the blank) so we have seemed to enjoy it so much more. We for sure are tired all of the time but hopefully that will only last a few more weeks!! The boys adore Allie. Cal is in her face all of the time telling her how cute she is and how much he loves her. Cole and Cade are so good about holding her if she is crying or just talking to her while she is awake. People will ask Aaron if he feels differently about having a girl and he will say not yet because she is just a baby but you should hear how cute he is with her calling her sweetie and princess (yes Aaron really does have a softer side.) It melts my heart to see him with her. There is just something so sweet about a dad and a daughter. Before I forget she had her 2 week check up and she weighed 7 lbs and 8 oz and was 19 and 3/4 inches long. The dr. said she looks great.

One last thing I was not the one that posted the pics of Allie. I know I am so sorry. I really did give my password to my sister in law (thanks Sarah) so that we could get a few pics of Allie on the blog. I know so sad but I blog from my work computer and if I were to download pictures on this computer I would be in big trouble. So until we stop being so cheap and get our own internet line we will have to do with out picutres on the blog!!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Allie Rose Morris

She's finally here! Allie Rose Morris arrived at 2:36 pm on Friday August 21, 2009. She weighs 6 pounds 14 ounces and is 19 and a 1/2 inches long. Little Allie Rose is absolutely perfect and beautiful! We are so excited to have her here.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Broken arm for Cade

It has been a crazy few weeks so I am a bit behind but I can't forget to blog about Cade's broken arm. Last Tues we were at Riverdale park with cousins just enjoying some lunch and letting the kids play. We had been there an hour or so and apparently the kids were playing jail and Cade did not want to play anymore so he decided to go on the slide instead. His cute little cousin wanted him to still play so he came to get Cade from the top of the slide and tried to get him to put him into jail and it threw Cade off balance and he fell from the top of an 8 foot slide. I heard screaming and my sister ran over and scooped Cade up and his arm was just totally bent and hanging there. I seriously thought I was going to throw up when I saw his arm. I am no Dr. but for sure I knew it was broken. So off we rush to the emergency room. He is a tough kid. For the amount of pain he was in he didn't cry very much at all. The x-rays showed both bones in his arm were broken. They called the orthopedist to come and put the bones back into place. So they knocked Cade totally out and put the bones back together and casted him up (I left the room for this part but Aaron stayed with him). 4 hours later we were finally back home. Cade had a few rough days after that but now he is feeling back to normal. We go back to the Dr. tomorrow to see if he will need surgery but we are hoping that everything has stayed in place to we can avoid surgery. Cade sure felt pretty special after all of this. He got lots of treats, money, toys, and phone calls. He thought it was pretty cool that everyone cared so much. He is also excited for when people will be able to sign his cast.

Cal's 3rd B-day

So on July 20th Cal turned 3!! My how the time has flown by. For his b-day he really wanted to go camping so the weekend before his b-day we headed to the uintah's for a few days of outdoor fun. As most of you know I am not a big camper but we did have a trailor to sleep in that had a flushable toilet and hot showers. So I could not complain too much. We really had a good time. The boys were in heaven just running around, fishing, and taking rides on the ranger and 4-wheeler.

On this actual b-day he woke up and opened his presents (all he wanted was ben 10 guys) then he wanted to eat at the mall for lunch and later that evening we had a party at the splash pad in South Ogden with family. He had a great b-day.

Cal is such a crazy kid. He has so much spunk. Dude could go all day just running around like a mad man. I thought Cade was crazy but Cal is 10 times crazier than Cade was. He is so sassy. His favorite saying is "guess what" and you say what and then he says"chicken poo." It is so funny. If he does not get his way or if you have just done something to make him mad you will for sure be called a meanie dork and he will most likely hit you as well. He does have a loving side also. Most mornings he wakes up before I do and he will come in my room with the biggest smile and say "good morning sunshine" and always has a hug and kiss to go with it. We just love how much personality Cal has. He has made our lives so much fun. We love our little Cal dearly!!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Happy B-day Aaron

Aaron turned 35 on Friday the 12th!!! We went to dinner at Tucanos in gateway (which by the way was way better than I ever thought it would be) and then off to the Joel Mchale comdey show. I love the show "the soup" and I think Joel (the host of the soup) is so funny. So when I found out that he was coming on Aaron's b-day I was crossing my fingers that Aaron would be kind enough to go on his b-day to a guy that he never seen before on tv and lucky for me he said he would go with me. The show was so freaking funny. I laughed so hard. Aaron kind of laughed (but you have to watch his show to get a lot of his jokes.) A great time was had by all!!!

Now for the fun part a few things I love about Aaron

1-He works so hard to provide for our family.
2-He is awesome with our boys. They have so much fun together.
3-He helps arounds the house and I could not do it with out him. It is true I think I have only cleaned the kitchen a handful of times in the 13 years we have been married.
4-He is HOT!!
5-I love his funny personality. Although it is that funny personality that has embarrassed me on a few occasions.

I love you Aaron!!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mothers Day

Ok had to blog about what the kids and Aaron did for me for mothers day.

Cole-made me a book that was called "best mom ever." The first page said this: She has twinkles in her eyes. She smells so sweet like bloosems She's the only thing that touches. And she is so lovely. Then a picture of the two of us. Next page: Roses are red, vilots are blue, there's nothing sweeter than you. Then a bunch of pages of hearts. It was a really cute book and he thought of everything to say by himself. In primary they asked the kids questions and the question Cole got was : What does your mom like to do in her free time? He said: Lay down and take a nap. I was a bit embaressed but it is totally true. If I can squeeze a few min nap in I am a much happier mom.

Cade-made me a book also called mom and the seasons. He drew pictures of each holiday with me in it. He said it took him two hours because there were so many words to write. I was a fun book. He also gave me a paper that said I love my mom because: you're nice, you take me to blockbuster, and let me watch tv. What an easy kid to please!!

Cal-drew me a picture (with the help of cole) of me and they even cut and taped yarn to the picture for my hair. It was a work of art. I loved it.

Aaron-he did a great job also. He gave me a card where he made of the following poem:

What can you say to the "mother of the year"
A women so beautiful, so wonderful, and so full of cheer?

How about thank you for all that you do
For the smiles, the hugs, and cleaning of poo.

The children, they are so lucky to have a mother so neat
so helpful, so caring, and so hard to beat.

Here's to you mother, a very special gal
As Cal would say, you are a very special pal.

If roses are red and violets are blue
we certainly love you through and through.

From the tops of our heads to the bottome of our toes
we hope on this day our love surely shows.

So sleep in a bit, not a care to be had
we hope this breakfast is not all that bad.

To show you this day our thanks and our love
for an angel from heaven who fell from above.

Ok so how cute is that. Aaron is pretty creative when he wants to be. I really did have a good mothers day thanks to all the hard work from Aaron and the boys.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Once in a lifetime

I went to wicked last night (more to come on that) and as we were getting seated I saw someone from a distance who looked like President Monson but I thought that can't be him because he would have way better seats then where he was sitting. I watched him for a min then asked a few of the girls that I was with if they thought it was him and we all agreed that it looked like him and we were going to take a closer look. So as we started walking towards him we realized that it indeed it was President Monson (the body guard by him should have given it away.) As we were almost to him I said to the body guard can we say hi to him. He said yes say hi but keep walking while you are saying hi. So I said President Monson and he turned around and I was planning on just waiving and walking but he put out his hand to shake my hand. So I totally got to shake President Monson's hand and so did the other 3 girls that came down with me to see if it was him. We told him that we loved him and asked him if he had seen wicked before and he said no but I am a showaholic. Then about 4 more body/security guard came over and told us we had to be on our way. On our way back to our seats we were watching people starting to try to come down and meet President Monson but after us they were not letting anybody by him at all. A few min later my boyfriend President Uchtdorf (ok not my boyfriend but for an older man he is hot and he gives really good talks) came in and sat a row below president monson and they were not letting anyone near him also. At intermission the cameras were going off like crazy. It really was insane. You could hear people talking to each other and on their cell phones telling everyone that President Monson and Uchtdorf were at the play. Then President Monson waived his white handkerchief to everyone. Let me tell you my friends it was an AMAZING experience. The spirit that he carries is so strong. I came back to my seat and thanked heavenly father about a million times for allowing me that experience. Something so little like that was such a testimony builder for me. It also made me feel so grateful to live in Utah and to be so close to the prophet, church, and temples. I know for sure somthing like this is never going to happen again and I was so lucky to have had that chance. I really felt like crying the entire night because I was so thankful to have had that experience and it made me realize just how grateful I was for so many little things that I take for granted.

Now for Wicked. I am in love love love with that play. It was incredible. I wish I had tickets to see it again. I didn't know the songs at all but felt like totally singing along with the songs anyway. It was awesome!!! And I for sure will be putting the cd on my ipod. What a great night out!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Vote for Hadley

My sister Candace entered Hadley into this singing contest on 97.1. If she gets the most votes they win a backyard playset. So I am hoping everyone will go to
and vote for Hadley. Once you have clicked on this website go to view ages 5-7 and Hadley is entry number 5. She is so super cute singing her song. The voting closes April 2nd so go vote!!!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Boy or Girl

Ok so today was our 16 week appointment and we found out what we are having............
It is a GIRL!!! I am still in shock. We finally broke the Morris trend of boys. They were 8 for 8 on boys and now finally a Morris boy produced a girl. I am so super excited. I told Aaron I deserve one girl after having a house full of crazy boys. I also told Aaron I am now glad I listened to him about having one more baby. The boys are excited also. Cole and Cade were both pulling for a girl. Aaron said he didn't care either way he was just happy it was healthy. I have had her name picked out forever. She will be Allie Morris. We are still discussing if she will have a middle name. That is the excitement for the day and now I need to start shopping for girl things. How fun is that!!!

P.S. This goes out to Melanie S. and Michelle L. Ladies there is hope for a girl and you both need to try one more time to get your girl!

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Ok so I am a bit behind on posting this but had to so I could remember what Cade has been doing. He has had a loose tooth for a month or so and last week we were going to the dentist for our 6 month cleanings and Cole convinced Cade to just have the dentist pull his tooth out. Cole loves having the dentist pull his loose teeth because they give him numbing cream and 2 seconds later the tooth is out (no pain) and they give you a cute little treasure box to keep the tooth in. So after hearing all of these great things about how it doesn't hurt if the dentist pulls it Cade decided that he was going to have the dentist do it. So on Tuesday Feb 24th 2009 Cade lost his first tooth. He was so excited. He kept sticking his tounge through the hole in his mouth. It was really cute. So later that night I tell Cade go put your tooth under your pillow but DON'T do it when Cal is watching. Sure enough Cade does it right when Cal is watching and not a min later Cal has Cades treasure box but no tooth in it. Cade was freaking out at Cal to find his tooth. All Cal kept saying is it is in the treasure box. We tore there room apart and could not find the tooth. Cade was so upset. I felt so bad for him. We told him that the tooth fairy would still come even with out a tooth under his pillow.

The next morning Cade woke up to find $2.00 under his pillow. Then Grandpa Kriss came over and gave him $5.00 for losing his first tooth. Then Cade comes out and says "can we got to the store" I say "what for" Cade says " I am going to buy a wii game with my money that I got" I say " ummm wii games cost $50.00 you only have $7.00" Cade says "so how many more teeth do I have to lose before I can buy a wii game" I say " about 7 more teeth" he says "well that sucks" I was laughing so hard. He is just a funny kid.

One last story about Cade my sister Tiff was over the other day and went downstairs to say Hi to Cade (of couse he was playing the wii) and he was just being silly and she said to him " Cade you are so crazy and Cade says back "you can say that again." There is not a dull moment at our house with Cade.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Are we totally insane or what??

Ok last post for the day to catch up. I know it is a little on the cheesy side to post this on the blog but I am not one to call everyone and let them know the news. So the rumors you have been hearing are true Aaron and I are expecting number 4 in late Aug. It freaks me out to even type the number 4. A while back we were discussing if we wanted another one or not and Aaron felt very stongly about it. At that point I could have gone either way but I prayed about it and didn't feel like we were done. So we tried for about 9 months and then I got scared and went back on the pill. After Aaron telling me for 3 months that our child will one day come to us and ask why we didn't bring it down here to earth when we knew it was waiting for us made me finally break and I told Aaron I would give him until dec to get me prego or that would be it for us. And sure enough Nov was the magical month. I really didn't think it was going to happen but I guess the lord knows what he is doing. So I have had 2 appts with Dr. Bierer and I am 13 weeks tomorrow. Now I have had people already ask me "do you want a girl" my answer is of course I want a girl but if I get a boy that will be fine also it will save me money on clothes!!! The boys are so excited especially Cole. He loves babies and is so cute with them. Aaron has been a real trooper. He has had to pick up lots of the slack around here with me being so sick and he has done a great job. He has also had to hear me rant, on many occasions, on how he did this to me and how I should have never listened to him. He knows that I really don't mean those things but he is a good sport to just sit back and take it!!! We are excited and know this will bring us much joy and we also know that we are for sure done with number 4.

Sundee's B-day

Ok I am trying to post something about b-days this year and since my sister Sundee turned the big 30 on Sunday Feb 15th I had to give her a post. Sundee and I did many things growing up together. We always shared a room, due to the fact that I hated sleeping by myself so we had a great time sharing a room. Her friends would come and knock on our window and she would sneak out late at night and wander the neighborhood, of couse I did not go I was way too scared of the kidnappers and robbers!!! When we got our dog Bailey Sundee insisted that it sleep with her in our room and I remember getting so mad at her when bailey would do his business on our floor in the middle of the night so I would always send her to clean it up. It only took a few weeks of that before Bailey was sleeping outside. I remember when we were in Hawaii and my dad pushed her into this pool of water and she thought it was me and she yelled at me "you are such a hoe-bag" After Cole was born I was a completed mess and she was at my house everyday helping me. I didn't think she was going to have her own birthing experience (little did we know at the time) so I invited her to watch Cal being born and I will never forget the look on her face. I am pretty sure she would not want to see that again and nor would I!!! I could go on and on but I will leave you with this Sundee is a good friend, sister, and mom. I love her dearly.

Valentines Day

Aaron and I had a great Valentines Day. We swithced overnight babysitting with my sister Candace so we had her kids on Friday night and she had our kids on Sat night. Aaron started off the day by giving me flowers and a card which I loved. Then around 4:45 we dropped the kids off to Candance and we headed off to Ye Lions Den for dinner. Let me just say yum.... We both love their food and the fact that they take reservations made it a perfect place to eat. After that we headed back to our house to hang out for the night. It was just so nice to relax without kids. And the best part was sleeping in Sunday morning. Cal usually gets up between 5:45-6:30 and I didn't even get out of bed until 8:30 it was fantastic!! Thanks pooh for the great time. Love ya lots.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

January low down

Ok it has been a while since I have done a post but things have been crazy busy around here.

* A few weeks ago we talked to Cal about having the binky fairy come. So basically we talked Cal into cutting up his binkies, putting them in a sack on the front porch, and then the binky fairy came and took away the binkies and brought toys in place of the binkies. For those of you who know Cal that was a HUGE step. He was so addicted to his binky. He had it all of the time. I was really impressed with how well this went over. He had a few days where he would ask where his binky went and I would remind him that he got toys for his binkies. But for real he didn't even cry and of course I cried thinking it was going to be the hardest thing I had ever done but he was such a big boy about it!!!

*Cole got his report card and I am so proud of him. He did such a great job. He works so hard in school and does what the teacher asks him to do. I hope he always has a desire to learn and do well in school. We have not gotten Cade's report card yet but I am sure it will be great also.

*My sister Tiff had a b-day. I love tiff to death. She is always giving me songs on my ipod that are anything but country. We go to lunch once a week and have so much fun doing it. She also is a great aunt to my boys. They love to have "parties" with her when Aaron and I go out of town. She is a great sister to have. Love a T!!!

*My dad also had a b-day. My dad is a great guy. He is very kind and thoughtful. He loves his "buddies" so much. He is a great example to me and my family and we love him dearly and are thankful to have him as a dad/grandpa.

*Aaron's grandma Clifton celebrated her 100th b-day. Can you even imagine being 100 years old? She is such a sweetie and we love her to death.

*There is jan in a nutshell. I for sure will be better at posting next month. I feel like time is passing me by so quickly that I need to make my journaling a priority.

Friday, January 2, 2009

2008 was great

8 great things that happened to us in 2008

1. Cole was baptized.

2. We took a really fun trip to St. George as a family.

3. Cade started kindergarten.

4. We were/are all very healthy.

5. Aaron and I celebrated our 12th anniversary.

6. I survived 2 weeks with the kids and the dog while Aaron went on 2 history trips.

7. Took a trip to Brandon's cabin and had a fun time boating, going to a rodeo, playing games,
and roasting marshmellows.

8. Enjoyed the little things with the kids like watching movies, bowling, swimming,
playing games, playing in the snow, fishing, and much more.

Wishing everyone a great 2009!!!


We had a great Christmas. The boys were so excited. We had no problem getting them to bed Christams eve but Cole came into our room at 4:45 AM and asked if we could open presents. I said you can go and look and see if Santa has come yet but you have to go back to bed for 1 more hour. So after he looked he went back into bed and sure enough at 5:45 he came back into our room to let us know it had been an hour. We managed to hold him off until 6:10 and then off to open presents.

Cal was so cute. He loved everything he got. Everytime he opened a present he got so excited and wanted it open right that min. He loved his hammer to most. Cole was very slow opening his presents he wanted it to last as long as possible. He was most excited about getting Zoo Tycoon. Cade was searching through his presents trying to find one that looked like lego batman, too bad it wasn't in any of his presents. He had to wait to get that one from grandma but he loved his treasure chest that he got.

After all the gifts were open we took the boys downstairs for our family present. We got an air hockey table. The boys thought it was the greatest present. I have had this sitting it storage for 9 months. I found it at Sears on clearance for 25.00. We were not sure how good it would be but much to our suprise it is a really good table. Aaron and I have also had a great time playing it.

At 9:00 we went to my moms for breakfast and presents. Everyone had a great time. Then back to our house for a nap and playing with a few toys. Then off to Aarons moms at 4:00 where we had dinner, the children acted out the Christmas story, and opened presents. Once again everyone had a great time. It was such a great Christmas and we are so blessed to have great families to spend them with.


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