Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Baby Jax Dallin Haywood

Ok so how could I not post about Jax. I am just so sad I don't have pictures for everyone to see. He is so stinkin' cute!! You will have to go to Sundee and Bryan's blog to see him. Anyway long story short I have known for about a month that Sundee and Bryan were getting another baby. They told me that a lady that Bryan's mom works with, her daughter was pregnant and was having a boy and she wanted them to adopt him. He was born on Sunday. He was a month early. So they were so not prepared. The best part about it is no one in my family knew except Aaron and I. So imagine the suprise my family got tonight as Sundee and Bryan walked into my mom and dad's house with a newborn baby in the car seat. Everyone was freaking out. Everyone was also so impressed that I was able to keep a secret. It was so fun to see him. Who would have guessed 3 years ago that Sundee and Bryan would now have 3 kids, ages 2,
11 months, and 3 days old!!!


Ness said...

That is so exciting. I am glad that you wrote about it. And so impressed that you kept that a secret. What a big one to keep.

Kenzie said...

Nice job on keeping a secret! I am horrible at it!

Brad and Karlie Lundell said...

OH...I don't know if I could keep that good of a secret. You are good! He is SOOO cute! And, I'm sure their life is CRAZY!! I can't even imagine have 3 kids that young.

The White House said...

I love the name that has always been one of my favorites. I need to have sundees blogsite so send it to me in an email or through a comment.

Kym said...

Lisa that story about Cade made me laugh out loud. I am so glad other moms have days like that. I'll have to call you the next time my day is like that so we can help each other laugh. People say that we will miss the messes, I think I might miss everything but the messes :) Great post!

Ellie McFreaken said...
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Ellie McFreaken said... bad! That was my delete.
Glad I went with you ans Rik tonight! Hope I got the right email address.
That is a great surprise Lisa! Three kids that close in age will be hard at first but SO SO much fun later. Good Luck to them!!!


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