Friday, February 25, 2011

funny cal

So the other Day Cal was getting ready for school and this is the conversation between us

me: Cal are you so excited for school

Cal: Yay I am excited to play with the awesome boys

me: Boys are so awesome

Cal: I like the hot girls too

me: Oh who are the hot girls

Cal: Bree (this is his cousin that is in his class with him) she is crushing on me. She always wants
to play with me.

I about died of laughter!!!

Then last night he says

Cal: mom can we have ninja food or dinner

me: what is ninja food

Cal: duh mom you know the food with the rice, and chicken, and the sauce

me: Oh you mean chineese food

Cal: yeah I love chineese food

This kids just keeps me laughing all the time.


Eichmeiers said...

He is freakin hilarious!!

Cassidy and Taylor said...

oh man I just laughed so hard! That is hilarious! "she is crushing on me" haha


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