Friday, August 27, 2010

Little Allie turns 1

Last Sat Aug 21st our little baby girl turned 1. I can't believe how time files. This last year with her here has been so much fun. Sure at times stressful to have 4 kids but everyone in our family adores her. Things have been crazy around here lately so we opted for parties that we didn't have to have at our house. That day we met the Dow side at Chick-fil-a for lunch. The kids had lunch, played on the toys, and we brought tastys cake donuts (spelling??) Allie got toys and clothes. They kids had a great time. Later that evening we went with the morris side to Aaron's aunts pool for the other party. The pool was freezing. The kids didn't seem to mind too much but there was no way I was getting in. Allie just put her feet and legs in the pool. Once again we had treats and presents. I did make her a little cake but decided to not give it to her at the pool since I didn't want a huge mess to clean up and the aunts house. I was just going to bag the cake all together but then as I thought about it when Allie looks back on this b-day she would want pictures of her with her cake. So she got her cake the next day and she took a few bites but didn't get messy at all. Aaron and I gave her a little princess bike thing that she can sit on or walk behind, baby einstein dvds, and a few outfits. All in all she had a great day.

A few things to remember about Allie
-she is a little thing. At her 1 year appt she only weighed 16 lbs 8 oz (that is in the negative %)
her height is in the 25% and her head is the 90% (sure the only kid of mine to get the morris
head had to be my girl)

-She loves attention. If she is not being entertained by someone she freaks out. Her brothers
are so good about making sure she is happy

-She says boo, mama, dada, tells what the bear and dog say

-She gets so dang excited when Aaron comes home. She just attacks him with kisses. He has
such a soft spot for her

-She crawls like crazy and is into everything. She totally throws fits when you won't give her
something she wants.

-She has no desire to walk yet. She will stand up on things but if you try to hold her hand and
stand with her she sits right down

-She still has no hair what so ever and she won't keep a headband or bow in her hair to save her

-We call her rosie all of the time (her middle name is rose)

-She is so cute and we are go happy to have a girl in the family

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Cal turns 4

On July 20th our little Cal turned 4. He was so happy to have his b-day. He was counting down the days until he turned 4. On Monday the 19th we had a swimming party at aunt peggy's pool with the Dow side. The kids loved swimming. Instead of a cake Cal wanted a huge cookie from Mrs. Fields so of couse that is what we got for him. Then the next day was his real b-day. He woke up early and opened his presents. We gave him all ben 10 guys. He loved it. Then we went to chick fil a for lunch. After lunch Tiff took him to walmart to get a beta fish. He named it mud bud. He did not let anyone feed or look at the fish for the first week he had it. Then later that night he took 4 little friends that are boys to classic fun center to go on the bounc houses. Cal was cracking me up. You could just tell he felt so cool having his very first friend party. Then on Sunday we had Cal's party with the Morris side. We went to the "yellow park" by our house as Cal likes to call it. Cal thought since he was having another party and it had been a few days since his b-day he was now having a party for turing 5. It was funny.

A few things about Cal. He loves ben 10. He loves electric eels. He loves bombs. He is all boy. He does not like girls (except his mama.) He loves sports and thinks he is so awesome at them. He gives the best hugs. He loves to tease. He loves to play with Abe. He loves to say any phrase that involves the words fart or butt. He is so tiny. He only weighs 25 lbs. People can't believe how old he is because he is so small but he is tough for a little man. Don't even think about calling him small or little to his face or I am pretty sure you will get punched. I don't know where this kid came from but we love him to death. He has brought so much fun to our family!!!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Another side of Cade

Ok so last post you got the fart story so now I have to post about the email Cade's teacher sent me today. This is the exact email:
Hi Morris'
Just wanted to let you know how patient and kind Cade was with his kindergarten buddy today. His buddy was having a hard time and Cade stepped right up and helped him. The little kindergarten guy cried because he wanted school pizza and his mother had sent him with a home lunch. Cade was so cute and cut him off some of his pizza. Cade may be a little hungrier than usual tonight! Please praise him and tell him again how proud of him I am.

Like how kind is that of Cade. If you know Cade you know he loves his food and is not usually a fan of sharing it. I have to admit I am a proud mama. I often wonder if anything I am trying to teach the kids will ever stick an then they just go and surprise me!!!

And while I am bragging Cade was also the top AR reader for the entire 1st grade. So next week he gets to meet the principle at Barnes and Noble to pick out any book he wants. He gets to be the first one to read it and then donate it to the school library.

btw I love the teacher Cade has for 1st grade. Mrs. Coles is an awesome teacher.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Boys boys boys

So yesterday Cole and Cade come home from school and as always I have them tell me about there day. Cole begins with the normal stuff played kick ball, did math, did computers etc... and then at the end he says "and p.s. I had to stay in from recess and go to Mr. Skeltons office (he is the princial's intern at the school.) I am like what the heck and he tells me that the day before at school this kid was chasing him and a few other kids and the other kids called this kid stupid and gay but he assured me he did not say those words but the kids went home to his mom and specifically named Cole and a few other kids as the ones that said those names. Accorrding to Cole he did not do it and his teacher was outside and saw what happened and cleared Cole of wrong doing. I said to Aaron I guess Cole was telling the truth if not I am thinking that some one would have contacted me. Cole is a good kid so I don't think he would do something like that.

Then Cade says about this day "I had to write in the naughty book today. I didn't even know they had a naughty book. He proceeds to tell me that they were doing math and he rattled off a huge fart and he started laughing and then the whole class starts laughing. Cade thought he was totally cool for doing that. The teacher didn't think that was so funny. So he had to write in the book what the bad action was and what a differnt choice would be so he wrote bad action :I farted in class a better choice: to fart in the bathroom. Then he told me that he wrote sloppy because he was mad that he had to do it. I was trying so hard not to laugh because it was just so dang funny.

What am I going to do with these boys! I am sure this is just the start of the trouble with these boys!

Much needed trip to St. George

So a few weeks back Aaron and I took at No kids allowed trip to St. George. We have been feeling a lot of stress lately and thought it would be a nice break and let me tell you it totally was. Who wouldn't love a 3 day trip with out kids and beautiful weather!!! It was just nice to be able to do whatever we wanted any time we wanted. A few things we did were hiking, laying out, shopping, eating out, a late movie, a quick trip to mesquite and of course Aaron didn't gamble. We felt like newely weds again that was until we pulled up (in the mini van) to a yogart joint called spoon me and there were about a 50 jr high kids looking at us like we were the oldest people they had ever seen (it was like 11:00 at night) and then it hit us that we are not that young anymore! We for sure left and found another yogart place up the road that had no one there. It was such a great trip and it was nice to remember that we actually do like being with each other! Also a big thanks goes out to all the people who took care of our kids so we could have this trip!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Back in the blogging world

Ok so I am back. I have decided to be better at blogging since this is my only journal. I feel bad that time is just passing me by and I don't take time to write down what is going on. So this post was inspired by reading angie's post about what the kids are doing right now.......

Cole is so into music. He asks the what the name of every song is and who sings it.

Cole is super into American idol. After he watches it we have to break down what happened on the show for days. It is cute.

Cade can't put the wii down. I mean really can't stop playing. It is so bad. Aaron and I are trying to come up with a system to limit playing time on the wii. He loves super mario bros, animal crossing, and punch out. He is obessed!

Cal is so funny I just laugh all day long. Today Cole was at the orthodontist and the girl working was just talking to Cal and out of the blue he said to her "know what I am going to be when I grow big" and she said "what" and he said" a baseball player for the pirates. " I just laughed so hard. He wants to be so big and do everything his brothers are doing.

Cal is finally potty trained. I mean poop and pee. Such a big step.

Allie is such a doll. Cute as can be. Bald as can be. She rolls all over the place all the time. She has the biggest smile you have ever seen. She loves her super saucer. Loves to sit in the high chair but won't eat any baby food fed to her while sitting in there. She hates to be cuddled (sad for me) and loves to be facing forward at all times to see what is going on. She can sleep through anything. She gets kissed about 100 times a day between everyone in the family.

Aaron is busy working. That is his life story. He is dialed in on keeping the weight off that he lost. Loves taking the kids to the library. Obessed with John Greshman books. On a major budget and out of debt kick.

I am sitting here thinking how proud I am of myself for doing an entry on the blog after taking a break for so long. I don't love working even though I know I have a good job and people would kill to be able to work from home. Wondering why my life is passing me by so fast and what I am going to do about it. Trying to relax and spend more time with the kids doing simple things. Happy that I made it through today!!!


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